之前的文章我也大略介绍过PJ最新的蒲点The Roof,大家有趁着圣诞节和新年倒数去The Roof狂欢吗?终于这次某人的生日我们不用“山长水远”的跑去KL,只要短短的15分钟就能到达坐落在First Avenue Bandar Utama的The Roof。
The Roof是由五间不同主题的分店所组成的,包括PLAY(Club)、Stratosphere (helipad bar)、SCORE (sports bar)、Malt & Leaf (whiskey cigar lounge)和我们这次去的Signature by The Hill (gastro lounge & Bar)。
“5 Unique F&B Experiences, 1 Destination”而Signature原来是The Hill搬过去的,我们订位之后才知道~
“The Roof is a premium integrated dining and entertainment hub offering patrons the ultimate experience with star attraction in the Klang Valley. With over 50,000 square feet of dining, entertainment and event space, The Roof houses five distinct outlets designed to cater to a broad spectrum of customers with each outlet promising a unique and classy experience. -- The Roof Facebook"
之前我也介绍过The Hill @ Damansara Height,有兴趣的朋友可以看看,但听说是已经关了~
Signature分别酒吧和餐厅两个区域。酒吧的设计非常时尚,尤其是"Avatar Tree"更是一大亮点。而餐厅区就比较安静且浪漫,可以看到PJ美丽的夜景,天气好还可以看到小小的KLCC Twins Tower和KL Tower。
Signature Grilled Salmon - 这道主餐在The Hill尝试过,蛋黄和牛油配上三文鱼的味道让我念念不忘,所以来到这里我还是点这一道:P
Signature Grilled Salmon - RM48 |
King Prawn Linguine - RM53 |
Spicy Chocolate Lava - RM22 |
当天也刚入手Sony QX10,我们玩自拍玩疯了~~
The Roof刚开不久,我和友人也去凑热闹,到处拍拍照并到SCORE小酌。 我们也搭电梯到Stratosphere (helipad bar)看看,但那天他们还没有正式开始,而且刚下过雨,所以又暗又湿,没有拍到照片:P
我想到PLAY clubbing,谁要约我???
Sky level, 1 First Avenue, Bandar Utama
47800 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Signature.TheRoof
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