Jolie's Diary @ Jolvlee THIRTY8 @ Grand Hyatt Hotel..Again! Slee & Jess Birthday | Jolvlee

THIRTY8 @ Grand Hyatt Hotel..Again! Slee & Jess Birthday

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从前我们的聚会大多数是逛街, 但是长大之后,大家都各自忙碌,现在难得可以相聚,当然要争取最多的时间在“说长道短”~~~ 哈哈~~
这次是要庆祝Slee小姐和Jess小姐的生日~~ Jess小姐的生日在四月,她忙到现在才有机会出现~果然是老板娘~

而这次我们会到Grand Hyatt是因为我上次吃的Thirty8 Signature Cake 烧到她们啦~(我果然是恶魔~~)
看这里>>>> THIRTY8 @ Grand Hyatt Hotel..Belated Valentine's Celebration 

 “Located strategically on the 38th floor, the quadruple volume space of THIRTY8, comprising of a 360-degree city view, restaurant, wine bar and lounge, is the defining element of the restaurant. -- Grand Hyatt Website

" THIRTY8 offers diners a selection of steaks, seafood, sushi and sashimi and the option of dining amongst the action from the vibrant show kitchens and the stunning views of the iconic Petronas Twin Towers and the city. -- Grand Hyatt Website"

面包通常都可有可无,但是连小配角都发挥的很好,我相信主角的素质不会差。 他们的面包外表看起来不怎么样,但是外硬内软而且奶油还蛮香的。 

Homemade lemonade - RM12/ Iced Lychee Tea  - RM12
上一次尝试后,我还蛮推荐他们的Signature Cooler。Homemade lemonade微酸,感觉像没有酒的Mojito。Iced Lychee Tea的味道没有那么强烈,有淡淡的茶香,还有荔枝可以吃。

Caesar Salad - RM30

Meat Mixed Grill For Two - RM255
这盘Meat Mixed Grill For Two实在太夸张了!应该不止两个人吃吧!
这一盘有Black angus beef sirloin, double lamb chop, bbq beef short rib, spring chicken, lamb merquez sausage,太丰富了!
我不吃牛和羊,所选择尝试Spring Chicken,肉质蛮滑嫩但是味道普通。
Slee小姐诱导我和Angel小姐吃下了lamb merquez sausage,我明明就觉得是牛或羊,她却非常坚定告诉我是猪肉~~~这香肠味道非常浓烈,肥美多肉汁。

Meat Mixed Grill For Two - RM255

Meat Mixed Grill For Two - RM255

Linguini pasta, mixed seafood, tomato, basil, garlic, chili - RM65
我和Angel都点这Linguini pasta, mixed seafood, tomato, basil, garlic, chili,卖相还不错而且分量算蛮大的。


万众瞩目的THIRTY8 signature cake隆重登场啦!
看旧文吧>>> THIRTY8 @ Grand Hyatt Hotel..Belated Valentine's Celebration
寿星女~~~~~~ 生日快乐~~~~

很多人不知道Grand Hyatt在哪里,其实就在KL Convention Center 隔壁的那一栋楼而已~
THIRTY8 Grand Hyatt Website :

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